Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Support for $5 per barrel oil tax sought by MP Abdul Hussein Abtan, of the Citizen Bloc

MP demands to endorse $5 petro-dollar lawBaghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Abdul Hussein Abtan, of the Citizen Bloc demanded the Iraqi Government to endorse the $ 5 Petro-Dollar Law in accordance with the law no. (21) of 2008.

Abtan reported in a statement received by IraqiNews.com ”The endorsement of this law will contribute in developing the provinces since this is their legal right where some provinces produce the main source of Iraqi income, represented by oil, and they still suffer of neglect and poverty.”

The Acting Minister of Finance, Safa’a al-Din al-Safi, revealed that the 2014 State Budget includes the allocation of the $5 Petro-dolar law for each oil barrel produced in the province.