Thursday, October 10, 2024


Asphalt factory set up in Diwaniya

DIWANIYA / The reconstruction department in Diwaniya on Thursday completed work on an asphalt factory at a total cost of $600,000 U.S. dollars, according to the head of the department. “An Iraqi investor implemented a large asphalt factory with a capacity of 80 ton/hour on an area of five donums (1 donum = 2,500 square meters) on al-Saniya district road (15 km north of Diwaniya city),” Engineer Hakim al-Khazaie told news agency. The project is expected to cover the province’s needs of the material and surplus amounts will be exported to neighboring provinces, Khazaie noted. Diwaniya, the capital city of Diwaniya province, lies 180 km south of Baghdad. SS (P)/SR 1