Saturday, September 21, 2024


Suicide attack kills cop, injures 2 in Falluja

ANBAR / A suicide bomber on Friday blew himself up targeting the house of a chieftain of Albu-Eissa tribe, killing one policeman and wounding two of the chieftain’s guards, according to a police source. “The attack targeted the house of Sheikh Talib al-Hassnawi al-Issawi in Amiriyat al-Falluja area, west of Falluja city,” the source told news agency. “Police forces clashed with the bomber for around 30 minutes, before he blew up an explosive belt strapped to his body,” he said. This is the second explosion of its kind in less than 20 days in the same region. Falluja, Anbar province, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. MH (P)/ SH 1