Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq participates in Geneve Conference 2 over Syrian crisis

Baghdad ( Iraq participates in an official delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari in the Geneva Conference 2 , which is scheduled to be held tomorrow at the official invitation of the Secretary General of the Organization of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon . A statement to the Foreign Ministry received by Iraqi News ( cited “The conference will be held in the presence of Secretary General of the United Nations , representatives of Russia, the U.S. which are co-sponsors of the conference, the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the neighboring countries of Syria, the European Union , the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference and a number of Arab and Islamic countries , In addition to delegations from the government and the opposition. ” The conference aims to bring the Syrians parties together through international consensus to negotiate and search for a political settlement of the Syrian crisis, which has been going on more than 3 years. The statement added “The Iraqi government’s position is to call for a national dialogue and political between the Syrians parties and search for a political settlement acceptable to the Syrian people , by respecting the will and choices . Iraq demanded constantly to stop fighting , violence and prevent foreign intervention and stop arming all the forces and terrorist militias and to agree on confidence-building measures to launch a political process according to the document of Geneva 2 and confront extremism and terrorism and defeat them.”

“Iraq participated in a conference of / GENEVA 1 / in the summer of 2012 and made considerable contributions in the formulation of the final communiqu