Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi reporter arrested in Hilla

BABEL / Security forces in Babel province arrested the reporter of an Iraqi daily newspaper while he was shooting some photos in Hilla city. “I was arrested by the guards of the Babel Taxes Directorate while I was shooting some photos inside the office,” Imad al-Aaraji said in a phone call with news agency from his detention center. “The guards then handed me over to al-Hurriya police station,” he said. A source from Babel police said, “The Tax Directorate filed a petition against al-Aaraji, and the reporter will not be released unless the Directorate withdraws the petition.” For his part, Imad al-Tayeb, who is an Iraqi journalist mediating to ensure the release of al-Aaraji, said “The Directorate’s protection force is demanding to admit al-Aaraji to the Judiciary.” Hilla, the capital city of Babel province, lies 100 km south of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1