Sunday, September 22, 2024


ISIS issues new currency with Osama Bin Laden – The ISIS Dinar

Abu Risha: ISIS issue new currency in Anbar

Baghdad ( The head of the Iraqi Sons of Iraq Conference, Ahmed Abu Risha, revealed that “The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria issued a new currency for the State of Anbar,” considering this step as “An evidence to refute the statements of some politicians over non-existence of this terrorist organization in Anbar.”

Abu Risha displayed from his cell phone device a photo for the “ISIS Dinar” during the discussions of the initiative launched by some politicians to end the crisis in Anbar.”

He added “The new currency carries the photo of Osama Bin Laden and the slogan of the ISIS and signature of the ISIS Financial Minister.”

“The war against the ISIS in Anbar is conducted by the Iraqi Army and Police supported by the tribes of Anbar which stand with the sovereignty of the state and law,” according to Abu Risha.