Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki’s nomination for 3rd term as Prime Minster criticized by al-Fatlawi

Fatlawi criticizes Alawi\Baghdad ( MP, Hanan al-Fatlawi, of the State of Law Coalition criticized the statements of the head of the Iraqiya National Alliance, Ayad Alawi, over the nomination of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, for the third term of the PM post.

She stated to Iraqi News (, she said “It is normal to hear Alawi’s statements before the elections and being absent for years which shows that this is for the electoral propaganda.”

“Alawi has to be convincible and mention the promises that Maliki promised him,” she added, noting that “Maliki rejects to submit concessions to the Kurds divide Iraq or grant Alawi a key post.”

“Maliki’s nomination to be decided by the Iraqi people and not Alawi,” she concluded.