Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki, Hakim reach compromise over formation of Basra local government

Bazoni: Maliki, Hakim reach compromise over canceling complain over formation of Basra local government

Baghdad ( MP, Jawad al-Bazoni, stated that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, have reached an agreement to cancel the complaint submitted by the State of Law Coalition headed by Maliki, over the legitimacy of the local government in Basra.

Speaking to Iraqi News ( “The members of the SLC in Basra failed to nominate a new governor, whereas the members of Basra Alliance won the chance by the majority,” noting that “The SLC members found out that contesting the formation of the new local government will cause troubles for them in four other provinces that might be for the Citizen bloc.”

“Hakim and Maliki reached a compromise and decided to close this issue and withdraw the complaint submitted by the SLC over the illegitimacy over the formation of Basra government,” he concluded.