Saturday, September 21, 2024


Missan Oil Company treats 4 wells near Amara

MISSAN / The Missan Oil Company technicians drilled, reclaimed or explored four wells east of al-Amara city, the company’s information director said on Thursday. “The technicians have finished drilling the Abu Gharb-18 well, reclaim the Abu Gharb-16 within the Abu Gharb field, (75 km) east of Amara,” Ali Abbas Sadeq told news agency. “They also explored two wells – Fakka-17 and Fakka-18 – within the al-Fakka field, (70 km) east of Amara, within preparations for reclamation and drilling in the future,” said Sadeq, noting the four wells have not been invested yet being joint fields on the border strip with Iran. The production capacity of the Missan province’s oilfields is ranging between 100,000 and 110,000 barrels per day (bpd). The city’s geographical location boasts six producer oilfields: al-Bazrakan, Abu Gharb, al-Fakka, al-Halfaya and al-Amara, in addition to the Majnoon field, shared with the South Oil Company. The city also has five explored non-producers: al-Huwayza, al-Rafie, Rafidain al-Sharqi, al-Dujaila and Kemit. Amara, the capital city of Missan province, lies 390 km south of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1