Saturday, September 21, 2024


British Embassy calls to adopt balance in military operations in Anbar

British Embassy calls to adopt balance in military operations in Anbar

Baghdad ( The British Embassy for Iraq expressed its worries aver Anbar crisis calling on the Iraqi government to protect the citizens.

The Charge d’affaires of the UK embassy in Baghdad, Mark Bryson Richardson, condemned in a statement received by on Sunday “The sabotage committed by the terrorists on the water natural supplies in Iraq as these supplies are vital for thousands of people in the country.”

“The United Kingdom supports the Iraqi government and people in eliminating the terrorism and their war against the terrorists in Anbar which needs the support of the local people also the support of a comprehensive political process,” he added.

Richardson called “Iraqi government to do its utmost to ensure safety of the civilians and provide the necessary aids to the affected people and to make the military operations in Anbar as balanced as possible.”