Saturday, September 21, 2024


Obama says the USA is considering all options in Iraq

obama-military-action-iraqU.S. President Barack Obama said that his team is considering “all options” in response to the escalation of violence in Iraq and the remarkable progress of the al-Qaeda aligned ISIL fighters that have been advancing in the direction of the capital, Baghdad.

After a meeting with the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Obama announced that “What we have seen in recent days shows to what extent Iraq will need more help.”

He added, “our national security is considering all options. We are working tirelessly to find out how we can provide the most effective help, and I do not exclude anything.” He continued “The bet here is to ensure that the extremists will not settle permanently in Iraq or in Syria as well.”

Obama indicated that he had told “directly” the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, his concern about the lack of political cooperation within all parties.

Some U.S. lawmakers urged Obama to allow air strikes support of the Iraqi army against extremist fighters.