Saturday, September 21, 2024


US President Obama: I don’t rule out anything when it comes to helping Iraq deal with insurgents

US President Obama: I don\Baghdad ( President Barak Obama commented on the Iraq situation, saying “Iraq is going to need more help from the U.S. and the international community.”

Obama added “This should be a wakeup call for the Iraqi government.”

House Speaker John Boehner says President Barack Obama is “taking a nap” as terrorists capture Iraqi cities and move toward the capital of Baghdad.

The Ohio Republican said in a report received by that “The United States continues to have vital interests in Iraq, from which Obama has withdrawn American combat troops.”

Boehner says U.S. progress in Iraq is clearly in jeopardy.

He says Obama’s focus should be on completing the U.S. mission there and says the president should get engaged before it is too late. He says the U.S. should provide equipment and technical assistance to the beleaguered Iraqi government.

Meanwhile, Obama responded to Boehner’s comments, saying the U.S. is prepared to take military action when its national security interests are threatened.

“I don’t rule out anything when it comes to helping Iraq deal with insurgents”, said Obama.
Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has asked his parliament to declare a state of emergency that would give him increased powers, but the lawmakers have not done so.