Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqiya coalition rejects any foreign military intervention to resolve security crisis

MP Talal Khudair al-Zobaie, head of the Iraqiya Coalition - file photo.
MP Talal Khudair al-Zobaie, head of the Iraqiya Coalition – file photo.

The Iraqiya Coalition refused, on Friday, the intervention of U.S. troops or any other foreign forces in Iraq’s affairs to resolve the security crisis in some parts of the country; with the party leader dismissing such intervention as “occupation.”

Iraqiya Coalition MP Talal Zobaie Khudair said that “the intervention of U.S. troops or any other foreign power in the affairs of Iraq is unacceptable,” adding that “uniting rejects this intervention because it represents a new occupation of Iraq after the departure of the Americans in the past years.”

Zobaie added that “the best solution is to from forces of the army and the police from Mosul, Anbar and Salahuddin to protect its cities and not the use of foreign forces.”

It is noteworthy that U.S. President Barack Obama said on June 12, 2014, that there will be limited military intervention in Iraq, as pointed out that Washington’s interests are to ensure that terrorists will not get a foothold in Iraq.