Friday, September 20, 2024


Thousands of Iraqi civilians volunteer to join Iraqi Army in Wasit

Thousands of citizens at volunteering centers to join Iraqi Army in WasitBaghdad ( Thousands of young citizens in Wasit province crowded at the volunteering centers to join the Iraqi Army to fight ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant elements.

A source stated to Iraqi News stated “The citizens called for joining the Iraqi Army forces at the urging of a Religious Fatwa.”

“They do not call for salaries and they only want weapons to join the fight against the ISIL terrorists,” they concluded.

Earlier, the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani, called on citizens to join security forces and fight the terrorist groups.

The Representative of the Religious Authority Sheikh, Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalayi, stated during Friday Prayers “The Supreme Religious Authority calls on citizens who are able to hold the weapon, to join the security forces and fight the terrorist groups.”

“The Religious Authority considers those who are going to be killed while fighting terrorists as martyrs,” he concluded.