Monday, September 23, 2024


Hakim urges army to make Iraq a cemetery for ISIL terrorists [06/14/2014]

Hakim assures making Iraq as cemetery for ISIL terrorists

Baghdad ( The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, urged followers to turn Iraq into a cemetery for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant terrorists, ISIL. In a military speech inside a volunteer camp, he said “In this historical stage, we come to confirm that we defend democracy as we confronted Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship previously.”

“We will fight to save Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Shiite, Suunis and Christians as well as other communities,” he added. “We will fight ISIL terrorists to preserve Iraqi’s dignity and security,” he stressed.

Earlier, the Supreme Religious Authority issued a religious fatwa, calling citizens to join the security forces to fight terrorist groups.

The Representative of the Religious Authority Sheikh, Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalayi, stated during Friday Prayer “The Supreme Religious Authority calls on citizens who are able to hold a weapon, to join the security forces and fight the terrorist groups.”

“The Religious Authority considers those who are going to be killed while fighting terrorists as martyrs,” he concluded.