Saturday, September 21, 2024


US aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush moves close to Iraq

The USS George H.W. Bush is being positioned in the Persian Gulf as US President Obama considers airstrikes in Iraq. Image credit - US Navy
The USS George H.W. Bush is being positioned in the Persian Gulf as US President Obama considers airstrikes in Iraq. Image credit – US Navy

Baghdad ( The US Secretary of Defense ordered the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush to the Arabian Gulf, close to Iraq’s southern ports. The carrier’s expected deployment near Iraq was reported yesterday by

A statement by Pentagon reviewed by cited “The U.S., which routinely has an array of ships in the region, has the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush and an accompanying Navy cruiser in the northern Arabian Sea.

“Two Navy destroyers from the Bush strike group have been operating in the Persian Gulf. The ships carry Tomahawk missiles, which could reach Iraq, and the Bush is carrying fighter jets that could also easily get to Iraq,” the statement concluded.