Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iran against US military interference in Iraq

Iranian FM Spokeswoman: Iran against US military interference in Iraq

Baghdad ( Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham underlined that Tehran is seriously against the US military adventurism in Iraq.

?The Islamic Republic of Iran is strongly against the US military intervention in Iraq,? Afkham siad in a statement reviewed by ?With no doubt the recent incidents are linked to the goal of influencing and changing the political trend of Iraq and evidence shows that the US is trying to misuse the status quo in Iraq and disrupt the outcome of election,? she added. Afkham reiterated that no one should expect help from those who created insecurity in Iraq. The foreign ministry spokeswoman reiterated that Iran follows up the current issues in Iraq with sensitivity and accurately, and said, ?The terrorists attack on Iraq takes place at a time when the people of Iraq gained a great victory in the country?s recent parliamentary elections and this important thing has not been tolerable for some countries.? Afkham also warned against the repercussions of using terrorism as a tool and the trans-regional threats of the terrorist groups, and said, ?It is the duty of governments and international bodies to responsibly support the government of Iraq to repel the danger of Takfiri and extremist terrorists.