Monday, September 23, 2024


Tribal and Army forces repel multiple ISIL attacks on Kirkuk

ISIL-insurgentsKirkuk ( ) Iraqi Army and local tribal forces repelled a series of attacks by Islamic State and the Levant (ISIL) fighters from the surrounding areas of Kirkuk, informed local sources announced on Tuesday.

“The popular forces succeeded this morning to repel the ISIL attacks near the city of Kirkuk,” an informed source told on Tuesday.

The source mentioned fierce clashes in Bashir town, and said, “The Kurdish, local and Iraqi Army forces pushed back the ISIL forces from Kirkuk five days ago, but heavy clashes is still going in Bashir town.”

On Tuesday, the Iraqi army’s regional operations command said that more than 350 ISIL terrorists have been killed in airstrikes in the Western province of al-Anbar.

The Iraq Air Force attacked ISIL insurgents as they were parading near Fallujah, a city that has been under their control since January 2014.

One of the ISIL leaders, identified as Yasser Nayi, was among those killed in the airstrike, the army said.

About 400 ISIL fighters hid in a four-story building in Fallujah when they saw the warplanes approaching, an army commander in the city told

Military aircraft fired rockets and machine guns at the building, killing about 270 ISIL fighters and destroyed 7 vehicles, officials said.

Airstrikes also killed about 70 fighters in the city of Samarra and 17 others in Baquba, the capital of Diyala province, state television reported.

A total of 56 terrorists were killed in a series of operations in Baghdad in the past 24 hours, the armed forces said.

The army killed 279 ISIL terrorists over the weekend in fighting in Saladin, Diyala and Nineveh provinces, Iraqi Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Qassim Atta said on Sunday.

ISIL terrorists are holding Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city and the capital of Nineveh, and threatening to advance on Baghdad.