Saturday, September 21, 2024


Most Americans oppose intervention in Iraq

americans-opposed-intervention-iraqBaghdad ( An opinion poll carried out by Reuters / Ipsos, showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose U.S. intervention in Iraq.

55% of those surveyed oppose any U.S. intervention of any kind, while only 20% supported the intervention. There was no significant difference in the general direction of the responses between Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

45% responded that the United States shouldn’t interfere in the conflict, “under any circumstances”, while 34% said it should put the appropriate conditions for the intervention and 21% said that American intervention is required to prevent the militants from taking power.

The poll showed an expected divisions between Democrats and Republicans blame on the crisis in Iraq, especially on the decision of Democratic President Obama who withdrew all U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011 after eight years of sending those forces by the Republican President George W. Bush.

The poll, which was conducted online from 17 to June 19, included 1019 U.S. The margin of credibility is nearly 3.5% with increase and decrease.