Saturday, September 21, 2024


Najaf, Iraq food prices surge

najaf-food-prices-surgeNajaf ( Najaf province markets witnessed a remarkable rise in food prices due to the security conditions in some of Iraqi provinces, Khaled al-Jachuami, the head of the security committee in Najaf province, said to

Al-Jachuami said “Najaf provincial council formed a joint committee of the economic committee, and security economic to tour and inspection, the food prices in the local markets, as 3 traders have been arrested on charges of raising prices monopoly and storage of large amounts of food.”

For his turn, Mohsen al-Tamimi , the vice chairman of the economic committee in province Najaf province stated to “The economic committee has taken several measures, including deploying moving detachments to inspect all the markets and follow-up merchants to reduce rising food prices phenomenon.”

Moreover, al-Tamimi assured this phenomenon will disappear during the next two days.