Saturday, September 21, 2024


More US advisors arrive in Iraq

More US advisors arrive in Iraq

Follow-Up ( The US Defense Ministry (Pentagon) announced on Thursday that “More 50 elements from the US special forces and military advisors have arrived in Baghdad under the leadership of a US General who has been recently appointed to analyze the security situation and readiness of the Iraqi Security Forces for fighting terrorism.”

Spokesperson of the Pentagon General Steve Warren pointed out “Work has started at the first two centers for joint operations which are supposed to be established in Iraq to consolidate the power of the US teams to follow up and gather information about the situation in the field about the readiness of the Iraqi Armed Forces.”

He added “These centers will be used for gathering information from the different divisions to be analyzed.”

The US soldiers and advisors already arrived in Iraq have become 180 soldiers out of 300 whom the US President Barack Obama has promised to send to Iraq.