Tuesday, September 24, 2024


UK warned Iraqi government of ISIL threat before it seized large areas of Iraq

Britain's ambassador to Iraq Simon Collis, interviewed with CNN on Tuesday.
Britain’s ambassador to Iraq Simon Collis, interviewed with CNN on Tuesday.

(IraqiNews.com) On Tuesday, Britain’s ambassador to Iraq Simon Collis said that the only way to defeat the elements of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is through a comprehensive strategy to combat “terrorism”, pointed out that Iraq needs a government with a larger base.

Collis said, in an exclusive interview with CNN, that his country warned Iraqi authorities of the threats posed by the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant before its control over large areas in the country.

Collis added “I do not say that anyone can see and predict the advances that took place, which was partly a result of the collapse of a large portion of the Iraqi security forces, noting that Mosul’s is a known fact, and the fact that the elements of ISIL controlled areas of eastern Iraq in Anbar and others last year is also a well-known fact.”

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom explained that “Iraq needs a government with a larger base, pointing out that “the idea of dealing on the security level then return to the political level is part of the cause of what is happening in Iraq now.”