Tuesday, September 24, 2024


IHCHR urges EU to declare ISIL actions as crimes against humanity

0000(IraqiNews.com) On Tuesday, the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights urged representatives of the European Union mission in Iraq to consider ISIL’s offences as crimes against humanity, calling for assistance for the displaced.

A member of the Commission, Fadel Ghraoui said, in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, that “the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights met, today, the representatives of the EU delegation in Iraq and asked them to consider the crimes ,carried out by the organization ISIL against the sons of the Iraqi people, as crimes against humanity.”

Ghraoui added that “The Commission also demanding the mission to provide humanitarian aid to the displaced people whose their areas witnessing the fighting between Iraqi security forces and armed elements of ISIL.”