Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIL leader of Sa’diya district killed by rival terrorist group

ISIL leader killed northeastern Baquba

Diyala ( “A bomb exploded targeting a motorcade for a leader within the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and Levant, killing him and two of his assistants northeastern Baquba,” security source within Dijla Operations Command reported to

The source clarified “The bomb, which was emplaced on the road leading to Himreen mountains from Sa’diya district of northeastern Baquba city in Diyala province, exploded targeting the motorcade of the (Emir) of Sa’diya district, Abu Usama al-Musrati, who was appointed in this post two days ago by the leader of the ISIL, Abu Baker al-Baghdadi,” noting that “The explosion killed Musrati and two of his assistants immediatly.”

“The bomb was emplaced by the terrorist groups opponents for the ISIL since the area is controlled by the terrorist Ansar al-Sunna group which refuses to join the ISIL,” the source added.