Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurd Ministers withdraw from Iraqi Cabinet

Kurd Ministers withdraw from Iraqi Cabinet

Erbil ( Azad Abu Baker, member of the Kurdistani Democratic Party KDP, headed by the President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani revealed the intention of the Kurdish leadership to withdraw the Kurd Ministers from the Federal Government in response for the accusations of the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for Erbil of being a headquarter for the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and Levant.Abu Baker stated to “The leadership of Kurdistan Region will take adecision in the next few hours that might withdraw the Kurd ministers from the federal government to respond for Maliki’s accusations related to hosting the Baathists in Erbil and turning the Capital of Kurdistan Region into a headquarter for the terrorist organization of ISIL.” The member of the KDP ruled out that the decision will include the boycotting of the Kurd Ministers for the next Cabinet. /End/