Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIL bans photos, poetry verses from cars in Diyala

Iraqi car art, now banned in Diyala by the terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Iraqi car art, now banned in Diyala by the terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Diyala ( According to a local source in Diyali province, on Tuesday, the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant distributed leaflets to residents of the neighborhoods of Saadia in the northeast of Baquba, prevent pasting images and verses of poetry on the glass of vehicles, pointing out that the organization warned the violators of “severe punishment”.

The source said, in an interview for, that “the militants of terrorist organization of ISIL distributed a number of publications in three neighborhoods of Saadia district, (60 km north-east of Baquba), which prevented pasting photos of artists and poetry verses on the glass of vehicles.”

The source, who asked not to be named, said: “ISIL called on the people of the province to remove those images within 24 hours, warning the violators of “severe punishment.”

On Sunday (July 20, 2014), a local source in Diyali province said that the gunmen of ISIL kidnapped a civilian and burned his car on the back of having a picture of an artist on the rear windshields, northeast of Baquba.