Tuesday, September 24, 2024


URGENT: UN confirms ISIL Fatwa requiring circumcision of all women in Mosul

United Nations Security Council Chambers. File photo.
United Nations Security Council Chambers. File photo.

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) The United Nations revealed on Thursday that the organization of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is subjecting all girls and women in the city of Mosul and around to the circumcision.

The Deputy Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN in Iraq, Jacqueline Badcock told the reporters in Geneva during a conference of closed-circuit television from Arbil that “it is likely this fatwa issued by the militants of ISIL to include about four million women and girls.”

Badcock said, “This is something completely new to Iraq; it calls for serious concern and must be dealt with, especially in this region “pointing out that “this is not the will of the Iraqi people nor the Iraqi women in these fragile areas covered by the terrorists.
