Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq seeks to have strong relations with Arab countries – Maliki

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Wednesday expressed his government’s desire to set up strong relations with Arab countries. This came during his meeting with the visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, according to a statement of al-Maliki’s media office received by news agency. “We faced several challenges and we managed to overcome them and we got rid of the sectarianism and boost the national reconciliation and today we want to have strong relations with Arab countries,” the statement quoted al-Maliki as saying. He asserted the Iraqi government’s keenness to develop relations with Syria in various domains. For his part, the Syrian minister voiced his country’s desire to strengthen ties with Iraq for the good of the two people. He reiterated his country’s support to the Iraqi government in economic, security and economic fields. Al-Moallem had arrived in Baghdad earlier on an official visit to discuss with Iraqi officials ways top foster bilateral ties as well as regional; and international developments. SH (S) 1