Saturday, September 21, 2024


U.S. Congress prohibits Obama from sending troops to Iraq

U.S. House of Representatives. File photo.
U.S. House of Representatives. File photo.

( On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted by a large majority in favor of the decision to prevent U.S. President Barack Obama from sending American troops “to play any combat role continuously” in Iraq without the approval of the Congress. Congress adopted the resolution by 370 members and 40 opposing. This embodies the strong desire on the part of Republicans and Democrats that the White House should not move alone in the Iraqi issue without the support of the Congress. This vote is largely symbolic.

This decision stated by a proposal from Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern and a member of the Democratic Barbara Lee and Rep. Walter Jones.

The Members of the House of Representatives in favor of the decision said that Congress should regain control over allowing the use of military force after years in which Democratic and Republican presidents got the executive powers that allow them to send troops.

McGovern said in a speech to the Council before the vote, “Congress has abandoned many of its powers to the executive branch.”