Tuesday, September 24, 2024


United Nations condemns ISIL destruction of historic landmarks, persecution Iraq’s minorities

Mladenov calls for International Condemnation of Plight of Iraq’s Minorities - ISIL Destruction of Historic Landmarks

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, condemns in the strongest terms the recent destruction of the Prophet Jonas tomb and mosque in Mosul, as well as several other historic monuments symbolizing shared history and traditions.

“The systematic persecution of minorities, the destruction of cultural heritage and the obliteration of some of Iraq’s most ancient landmarks, sacred to both Islam and Christianity, show ISIL’s total contempt for human values. Such acts must be unequivocally condemned both by the international community and Iraq’s political, religious and civic leaders”, Mr. Mladenov said.

“This most recent outrage is yet another demonstration of the terrorist group’s intention to shatter Iraq’s shared heritage and identity”, Mr. Mladenov further stated, adding that ISIL members’ horrific crimes, including torching and destroying churches and mosques, as well as other symbols of Mosul, should further urge Iraq’s political elite to set aside their differences and restore their country’s integrity. /End/