Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Political blocs demonstrated their ability to reach agreement, says Mladenov

Political blocs demonstrated their ability to reach agreement, says Mladenov

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, presents his congratulations to the newly elected President of Iraq, Dr. Fuad Masoum, as well as to the Council of Representatives and to the people of Iraq.

“Dr. Masoum is a highly respected leader who can restore dialogue among all components of Iraqi society with the goal of upholding democracy, bringing the country together, and standing against terrorism. In his work he will have the full support of the United Nations”, Mr. Mladenov stated in a statement received by Iraqi News.

“Over the last weeks, the political blocs demonstrated that they can reach agreement, when they elected the Speaker of the Council of Representatives and his two deputies, and when they elected the President of the Republic”, Mr. Mladenov said.

“This momentum must be seized by all parties”, he further stated. “I trust the President will, in consultation with the political blocs and entities push the government formation process forward in line with the Constitutional timeline”, Mr. Mladenov stressed. /End/