Friday, September 27, 2024


USA seized Kurdish oil shipment off Texas coast at Iraq’s request

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File photo.

( On Tuesday, an American judge signed an order to confiscate the Kurdish oil shipment from a tanker off the coast of Texas after a request from Iraq.

Court documents showed in the early hours on Tuesday, according to “Reuters”, that “the U.S. judge signed an order to confiscate shipment of oil from Iraqi Kurdistan on board the tanker off the coast of Texas at the request of the central government in Iraq.”

On Monday U.S. Coast Guard approved on a Kurdish tanker, that cannot enter the port of Galveston near Houston because of its large size, to transfer its cargo to smaller vessels for shipment to the U.S. mainland.

Tanker loaded with about one million barrels of crude oil valued at about 100 million dollars and reached the Texas coast on Saturday.

It is noteworthy that Iraq has filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in a Texas court to demand the acquisition of a shipment of crude oil from the Kurdistan region of Iraq; Baghdad says it was sold without her permission.