Tuesday, September 24, 2024


UNAMI calls to set aside their differences to swiftly form inclusive government

UNAMI calls to set aside their differences to swiftly form inclusive government

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Ahead of the constitutional deadline for the nomination of a candidate for the post of Prime Minister, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, urged Iraq’s political leadership to set aside their differences and to work together to swiftly form an inclusive government.

Mr. Mladenov stated in a statement received by Iraqi News “I urge His Excellency President Fuad Masoum to perform his constitutional responsibilities to charge Prime Minister-designate with the formation of a new Government that should have wide parliamentary approval and support from all Iraqi components. This is fundamental to bringing the country together and securing viable and sustainable solutions to the grave challenges facing the country. Only by adhering to the Constitution and upholding the democratic process can the current life-threatening crisis be addressed, and Iraq’s sovereignty and independence secured”.

“At this time of peril, Iraq cannot withstand any unconstitutional delay in the nomination of a Prime Minister, or a long and drawn-out government formation process”, Mr. Mladenov said. “I call upon Iraq’s political leaders to rise to the challenges facing their nation and to fulfill their responsibilities as representatives of Iraq’s citizens”, he stressed. /End/