Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIL threatens to declare an Islamic caliphate in America and raise its flag inside the White House

xxErbil ( On Saturday, the organization of the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant threatened to declare an Islamic caliphate state in the United States and raise its flag inside the White House, emphasizing that the Islamic caliphate has been founded and will not stop.

The American Newspaper “the Washington Times” quoted on the director of the Information Office of ISIL, Abu Musa, during his speech for the “Facebook News”, that “I say to America, we will ignominy her everywhere and we will raise the banner of Jihad inside the White House and declare an Islamic caliphate state within the United States.”

Abu Musa addressed the United States “do not be cowards to attack us by drone, send us your soldiers who lost their humiliation on our hands in Iraq,” adding that “the Islamic Caliphate has been established and will not stop.”

The Pentagon announced, earlier on Saturday (August 9, 2014), the implementation of two air strikes against the organization of ISIL near the city of Erbil in northern Iraq, indicating that the strikes were on sites to launch mortar shells and a convoy of gunmen.