Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT: France will send weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq

IRAQ-FRANCE-UNREST-DIPLOMACY-KURDS( The French president said on Wednesday that France will send weapons to Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq for its support in the fight against the terrorist organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, ISIL.

The president explained, in a statement quoted by the “Arab Sky News”, that the ” arms shipment will be delivered in the coming hours and that the authorities in Baghdad agreed on that.”

The statement indicated the “catastrophic situation” in Kurdistan, adding that “the support of Kurdistan and all Iraq must be continued.” The statement did not elaborate on the nature of the weapons that will be sent.

This announcement comes at the time when the United States has increased also its role in fighting the organization ISIL, which threatens the Kurdish region in northern Iraq.

France called early in the week for a meeting of foreign ministers of the European Union to look at Kurdish demands for weapons and airborne relief shipments to northern Iraq.