Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iran describes recent political updates in Iraq as "Unique opportunity"

Iran describes recent political updates in Iraq as "Unique opportunity"

Baghdad(IraqiNews.com) Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham on Saturday renewed Iranˈs all-out support forIraqinational sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Referring to the peaceful transition of power inIraq, Afkham described, in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, recent developments inIraqas a unique opportunity for the Iraqi nation.

She said the democratic measures taken by Iraqi officials in recent days indicate the progress of democracy in the country and the moving towards improvement of the current situation.

The spokeswoman hailed the role of religious leaders and all the political parties in recent developments inIraq.

She urged all political parties in the country to make contributions to Iraqˈs democratic process and to help the formation of the new government inBaghdad.

She also called on the Iraqi government and nation to strongly fight against terrorism and restore security. /End/