Sunday, September 22, 2024


Al-Maliki’s gov. plays important role in Iraq’s stability

Iraq-Lavrov BAGHDAD / Russia’s foreign minister said on Thursday that the situation in Iraq has become more stable, noting that the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki played an important role within this context. Speaking to Russia’s Novosti, Sergei Lavrov said “Iraq has witnessed recently some changes towards more stability in the country. “The Iraqi government plays an important role in this context,” he added. An official source had said earlier that al-Maliki will leave Baghdad this afternoon (April 9) heading for Russian in response to an invitation from his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Iraqi government’s spokesperson Ali Dabbag said the premier would be accompanied by the foreign minister, defense minister, and electric power minister as well as an Oil Ministry delegation. Al-Maliki will meet with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, and will be received by President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday (April 10). The agenda of the Iraqi premier’s visit also includes Iraq’s domestic situation, and cooperation in addressing Persian Gulf and Middle East issues. Russia wrote off $12 billion, or 93%, of Iraq’s debt to Russia in 2007, a move widely believed to be aimed at securing lucrative oil contracts. Earlier reports said Iraq and Russia had set up a working group to address Saddam-era oil contracts, but that was still to hold its first session. Al-Maliki’s visit is expected to speed up the process. Russian oil firms, including LUKoil, which had a license to develop the giant West Qurna-2 oil field, have so far been invited take part in tenders for new oil fields. SH (S)/SR 1