Friday, September 27, 2024


American intelligence: ISIL planning to attack Europe and America

Emblems of US Intelligence Agencies.
Emblems of US Intelligence Agencies.

( On Saturday, according to the American media, intelligence officials in the United States indicated that the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is planning to attack Europe and America.

According to the intelligence information, the elements of ISIL managed to enhance their capabilities; they may carry out attacks outside the Middle East.

It is noteworthy that the extremists of ISIL are trying to create cells in Europe after they were able to recruit thousands of people, who carry European nationalities, to fight in Syria and Iraq.

The reports indicate that the insurgents of Islamic state possess large quantities of various types of weapons and military equipment, including missile systems, portable anti-aircraft missiles, tanks, armored vehicles, and howitzers, many of which were seized from retreating Iraqi Security Forces. They also managed to obtain substantial financial resources through the sale of oil from areas that they had controlled northern Iraq.

American estimates pointed out earlier that there are about 10 thousand fighters among the organization of ISIL.