Friday, September 20, 2024


Sister of beheaded journalist urges respect for privacy, YouTube deletes video

 Sister of beheaded journalist urges respect for privacy, YouTube deletes video


article-2729287-20A631A200000578-952_634x361( Cali Foley, the sister of the American journalist, James Wright Foley, who was beheaded by the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in retaliation for American air strikes against its fighters in Iraq, said “Please honor James Foley and respect the privacy of my family.”

Cali Foley urged her Twitter followers to not watch or share the video of her brother’s beheading which was published by ISIL .

YouTube removed all instances of the James Wright Foley video beheading clip for violating its policies.

Foley was a freelance reporter who participated in the coverage of the war in Libya before heading to Syria to cover the conflict on behalf of the “Global Post” and other media. He also provided press reports to the France Press Agency during his presence there.

Witnesses confirmed the kidnapping of Foley in Syria on November 22, 2012.  There was no news about him since then, despite a campaign to get information.
