Friday, September 27, 2024


James Foley beheading suspect likely British, says Britain’s Prime Minister

article-2729287-20A631A200000578-952_634x361( The British Prime Minister, David Cameron said that his country has information indicating that the beheading of the American journalist, James Foley, was performed by a British citizen who is an active member in the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

Cameron said it looks “increasingly likely” a man thought to have been involved in the US journalist’s beheading is British, as UK police try to confirm the terrorist’s identity. The Prime Minister said James Foley’s killing was “deeply shocking” but warned it was “not a time for a knee-jerk reaction”. He also said the government would “redouble” efforts to stop Britons travelling to fight in Iraq and Syria.

The Guardian quoted a former kidnapping victim of ISIL that he recognized the voice of the decapitator, adding that his name is “John”.

Security analysts told CNN that British police are working to verify the tone voice of the port of the beheading and comparing it with their existing data.

It is believed that more than 400 British traveled during the last period to Syria or Iraq to fight in the within the “jihadist” groups, dozens of them returned to Britain at a later date.