Saturday, September 21, 2024


American jihadist kills 4 in the United States to protest Obama’s policies in the Middle East

Ali Mohamed Brown
Ali Mohamed Brown

( The Los Angeles Times newspaper  confirmed that an American citizen killed four people in the United States to protest against the policy of the United States in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, indicating that he told the investigating judge that he avenged in this way from the American government for its policy in the Middle East.

The Los Angeles Times said that “an American citizen named Ali Mohamed Brown lives in Seattle admitted that he murdered four people in Washington and New Jersey, adding “he killed them in retaliation of the United States government for its policy in the Middle East, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.”

It is noteworthy that “Muhammad Ali Brown announced in front of the investigating judge that he has claimed responsibility for the killing of three people in Washington, and he killed another person in New Jersey, admitting that he has assassinated them in protest against the deaths in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.