Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIL kills 670 in Badush prison, begins genocidal campaign targeting Turkmen says United Nations

The president of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations, Navi Pillay.
The president of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations, Navi Pillay.

( The president of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations, Navi Pillay condemned the campaign, waged by the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, of “ethnic and religious cleansing” in Iraq, pointing out that 670 prisoners had been executed in Badush prison. Also, ISIL is preparing for a new massacre targeting Turkmen in Salahuddin province.

Pillay said in a statement on Monday that “the organization of ISIL is targeting men, women and children on the basis of ethnicity, religious or political views; they are waging a brutal campaign of ethnic and religious cleansing in the areas under their control.” adding “such a persecution is equivalent to committing crimes against humanity.”

She said that Christians, Yazidis and Turkmens among those targeted by the organization. Pillay quoted for survivors and witnesses “of the massacre,” saying to investigators belonging to the United Nations that “ ISIL killed on June 10, 2014 up to 670 prisoners in the Badush prison in the city of Mosul after they were transferred by trucks to a free zone.