Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Peshmerga Ministry spokesman confirms Mosul Dam witnessed no clashes today, security situation is stable

555Mosul ( On Tuesday, a senior officer in the Kurdish Peshmerga forces confirmed that his forces controlled the Mosul Dam and spread in more than 10 km from the southern side of the dam, while noting that the area of ​​the dam did not witness any clashes or attacks during the past few hours and the situation enjoys stable security.

The Brigadier General of the Peshmerga forces, Halgurd Hikmat said in statement for, that “The Mosul Dam area did not witness any clashes or attacks permanently during the past few hours,” asserting that “the Mosul Dam is under the control of the Peshmerga forces.

Hikmat added that “the Peshmerga are currently deploying at 10 km south of Mosul Dam and the surrounding areas,” assuring the citizens that “the situation in Mosul is stable.”

The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Mahma Khalil stressed on Tuesday that the Mosul dam and its villages are under the control of the Peshmerga forces, while noting that those forces are advancing toward the area of Zammar and Tal Afar district in Nineveh.