Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Photos of ISIL terrorists capturing Sukhoi attack planes, weapons from Tabaqa Airport in Raqqa, Syria

02( A website with close ties to the terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant published on the networking site “Twitter” exclusive pictures from the airport of Atabala that show a number of Syrian Army prisoners and casualties.

The pictures show ISIL’s control of ammunition stores and medium-caliber weapons in addition to Sukhoi aircraft.

The terrorists of ISIL had scored a victory by controlling the military airport Tabaqa, the last bastions of the Syrian regime in the border province of Raqqa in the north of Syria.

This came after a series of attacks on the military airport ended with the withdrawal of Assad’s forces from the airport. The battle lasted for five days, 195 soldiers of Assad’s forces and 346 fighters of ISIL were killed, according to several news agencies.

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