Friday, September 27, 2024


ISIL detonates house of Women Affairs adviser of Salah-il-Din

Salah-il-Din ( Security official reported to that “The terrorists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ISIL detonated the house of the martyr Umayah Naji Jebarah to the east of Tikrit.”

The source clarified “The ISIL terrorists detonated the house of the Martyr Umayah Jebarah in Alam district (5 km) to the east of Tikrit city.”

It is worth to mention that ISIL gangs killed Umayah Jebarah, who was working as an adviser for Salah-il-Din’s Governor for Women Affairs, on June 22 while she was confronting with her family an attack for the ISIL on Alam district.