Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Iraqi pilots train in USA to fly F-16s fighter jets and Apache helicopters

An F-16 fighter jet of the US Air Force flying over Iraq in 2011 (file photo)
An F-16 fighter jet of the US Air Force flying over Iraq in 2011 (file photo)

( The US Chief of the Office of Security Cooperation with Iraq, Mick Bednarek, said that the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria remains a threat to the district of Amerli, which is located north of Salahuddin province. He added that 24 Iraqi pilots were undergoing training near Washington in order to eventually pilot F-16s fighter jets and Apache helicopters.

Bednarek, said in a meeting today with representatives of a number of media, including that “the threat of the organization ISIS is still going on in Amerli, and has not been eliminated; there are some pockets of ISIS resistance in Amerli and surrounding territory.”

Bednarek said, “There are 16 Iraqi pilots training in the United States to pilot F-16s in addition to a large number of personnel who are training to maintain these planes. We will deliver the F-16 aircraft to Iraq after the restoration of the security situation near the base of Balad, northern Iraq (scheduled to be the headquarters for these planes to be delivered to Iraq) “, without specifying the date.

According to Bednarek, ammunition for tanks and large trucks of transport equipment will be delivered to Iraq next week.

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