Sunday, September 22, 2024


Syrian premier’s visit paves way to announce strategic cooperation council – Maliki

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday described the visit of Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otri and his accompanying delegation to Iraq as historic and paving the way to announce the higher council for strategic cooperation between the two countries, according to a statement released by his office. “We look for ideal relations with Syria,” the premier said, pointing out that the historic and geographic relations between the two brotherly people are basic elements to setting up strategic relations between the two countries. Addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Iraqi-Syrian talks, al-Maliki stressed that the comprehensive partnership will be realized through boosting cooperation in various fields. “Iraq’s strength is an important element for the region’s stability. A strength which will enable it to protect its borders and security,” he said. The Iraqi official called on the members of the two delegations to work toward rendering the cooperation efforts a success and to reach tangible and crucial results. He stressed also the importance of focusing on the economic and investment sides. The statement quoted the Syrian premier as saying that “Iraqis the closest country to the Syrians’ hearts,” asserting his country’s keenness to Iraq’s security and stability as it considered an important past of the security and stability of the whole region. Otri said that Syria support the Iraqi government’s efforts in maintaining security in the country and fostering the political process in Iraq. He called for developing the cooperation mechanisms between the two countries’ chambers of commerce and activating the role of Iraqi and Syrian businessmen. The Syrian prime minister expressed the Syrian companies’ readiness to take part in the reconstruction operations in Iraq and to support the development efforts the Iraqi government approved. Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otri on Tuesday, April 21, arrived in Baghdad in a two days formal visit. Spokesman of the Iraqi government Ali al-Dabbagh said that Otri’s visit come as a response to an invitation by the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Otri’s accompanying delegation includes the ministers of finance, interior, oil, irrigation, economy, health, transportation, industry, electricity and population in addition of a number of the political senior officials. SH (S)/SR 1