Friday, September 20, 2024


UAE condmens ISIL terrorist actions in Iraq

UAE condmens ISIL terrorist actions in IraqBaghdad ( The United Arab Emirates condemned the terrorist attacks by the ISIL in Iraq.

A statement by the UAE’s Foreign Ministry received by cited “‘Our world is witnessing many serious challenges, and amongst the greatest of these is terrorism. The United Arab Emirates expresses its deepest concerns and strongest condemnation of terror acts and criminal practices of violent extremists. In particular, the UAE condemns the atrocities of the so-called (ISIL), which aims to kill, terrorize, and displace civilians, ransack property, and demolish historic and religious sites.

The United Arab Emirates abhors this indiscriminate violence and destruction, including mass executions, expulsions, and the abduction and enslavement of innocent women and children. These actions undermine regional and international stability and threaten universal humanitarian values, cultural heritage, and norms of tolerance, multiculturalism, and religious diversity.

On the eve of the NATO summit in Wales, the UAE stresses the need for cooperation and coordination amongst the international community, taking advantage of the existing institutional framework. As terrorism is a global scourge that knows no borders and draws from all parts of the world, the international community must work towards a unified strategy to face this issue at all levels.

The UAE position is firm, calling for the renunciation of terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms. It also affirms tolerance and coexistence between nations and people as an essential pillar of its domestic and foreign policy.

By spreading a culture of moderation and tolerance, the UAE has strived to become an oasis of peaceful coexistence in the region. As a part of this mission, the UAE hosts the International Center of Excellence against Violent Extremism (“Heddayah”) in Abu Dhabi. The Center is engaged in capacity-building and best-practice exchanges in countering all forms of violent extremism. In order to further promote peace in Muslim communities, the UAE announced on 19 July 2014 the establishment of the “Muslim Council of Elders,” an independent, international body of scholars from Muslim countries, promoting the core tolerant values and practices of our faith.

The United Arab Emirates supports all regional and international efforts against terrorism and is determined to stand firm against all extremist threats, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2170, adopted on 15 August 2014, and with respect to all other relevant international and human rights laws and conventions. This is especially applicable in terms of the serious human rights violations perpetrated by terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria. An international undertaking ought to apply to other regional countries as well, including Yemen, Somalia, Libya and Afghanistan, who also suffer from the radical ideology and incitement to violence emanating from ISIL and Al Qaeda. The UAE opposes the insidious ideologies that these terrorist groups are based upon, and which do not reflect the peaceful teachings of Islam.

The UAE calls on the international community to adopt a clear strategy for countering terrorist and extremist groups. This strategy should entail a clear categorization all of these groups on the basis of both their ideology and their violent actions. Moreover, it is important that this strategy does not stop with Iraq and Syria, but seeks to tackle the phenomenon of terrorism wherever it arises. Only through such a unified effort will it be possible to combat terrorist groups and put a stop to their violence.”