Saturday, September 21, 2024


Washington: No plans to coordinate with Iran to confront ISIS

The spokeswoman of the American State Department, Marie Harff.
The spokeswoman of the American State Department, Marie Harff.

Washington, DC ( The US State Department announced that the United States does not intend to cooperate militarily with Iran to address the organization of the Islamic State, which controls large areas in Iraq and Syria.

The spokeswoman of the American State Department, Marie Harff said: “we will not coordinate any military action with Iran. We will not share the information with them. Also, we do not have any plans to do so.”

However, the spokeswoman also said that the United States “certainly remain open to any diplomatic commitment with Tehran, “as we have done in the past,” especially about Afghanistan when Tehran and Washington collaborated at the end of 2001 to establish the system of Hamid Karzai after the fall of the Taliban.

Harff continued: “we will not coordinate our moves with Iran to confront ISIS.”