Saturday, September 21, 2024


America “can’t win a land war in Iraq” says former US President Clinton

The former American President, Bill Clinton.
The former American President, Bill Clinton.

( On Friday, the former American President Bill Clinton expressed his support for the American strategy to defeat the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. He said that only the Iraqis can achieve  victory on the ground in Iraq and that the cooperation of “moderate” Sunni tribal leaders with the government is imperative to achieve that.

Clinton said in an interview with The Daily Show with Jon Stewart that

“We can’t win a land war in Iraq, but they can and we can help them,” Clinton said.

Clinton said he thinks President Barack Obama’s strategy to combat ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, “has a chance to succeed.”

“The Iraqi government finally includes Sunnis who were representing those tribal leaders who are moderate and without whom ISIS cannot be defeated,” he said.

“We can give them intelligence, and we can do bombing, and we have to do that to send a signal to them. That there’s a price for decapitating those people,” he said, referring to the recent beheadings of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and of British aid work David Haines.

“You can’t let people get away with that, that’s a terrible signal to the world,” he said.